Good morning dear journeystas. First of all we would like to excuse for this post. Because usually we don't do too much touristic stuff as you know. But this time was an exception guys. Like Culu was today telling me about that this Angkor ruins was the most entertaining place he has ever been. Well, then let me tell you guys what the hell in these days we are doing.
We left Phnom Penh and our great friends Elodie and Onur back and took this speed ferry to Siem Reap few days ago. After spending great time in Phnom Penh it was time to move on while knowing our visas running out. We would never forget the time we spent with these wonderful people in this great city. We will definitely come back. We believe it's our duty to mention all these great souls back there. Grazie mille Elodie, Onur, Meysun, George and Jeffrey. You shall all keep it flow.
By the way it's one of the very rare country that you can actually buy a happy pizza from the corner i believe. It can keep you happy for a long time guys. If you know what i mean :)

It can be very pleasurable feeling to meet your friends just by chance sometimes.
Anyway guys let's get back to our subject and get serious.
Culu arranged us a boat to Siem Reap and it took off very early in the morning and i was ofcourse the only one who gets the most of it.
We crossed the Tonlé Sap river, then the lake called the same name and reached the banks of the lake near Siem Reap. The trip was extraordinarily fun since we were allowed to go on the top of the boat. But after a while we got hit by the wind and slowly resign to our seat back in the cabin and slept all the way.
I was center of attraction when we arrive to the end of the boat trip like usual then we quickly packed our stuff to our bike and hit the road to Siem Reap. After a half an hour ride we reached ther but it took time to find a place to stay since they didn't accept dogs in most of the guesthouses we asked. But the answer was always "No have rooom. We fuuu." Then Culu find us a place in Angkor International Youth Hostel and jackpot. It is cheap but most importantly it has a great young Chinese crew with the people who work and stays there.

Culu was talking about this place since the beginning of our trip to asia. At first i didn't know shit about it but then he told me that there are only seven wonders in the world and these Angkor ruins are one of them. That is why this episode is dedicated for this ruins and especially because it is my first wonder ever i've seen in my life and i loved it as much as Culu i believe. By wondering we are on a bike, we were the most mobile people around and thanx to Culu; he somehow managed to find the most hidden paths in the jungle.
It is a very lively town Siem Reap guys. It is a big town but still preserves its beauty in general. Well it can't be ugly with trees like that all around. The youngest one would be 300 years old. In the Angkor Archeological Park we saw mostly trees about 1000 years old i guess.
We had a three day pass to the site and started enjoying our ride into the ancient ruins. It is great fun to cycle in the forest and suddenly reach an ancient temple in the middle of it. The saddest part is that they didn't let me in. So the first day we did mostly outdoors with Culu and he did the second day alone to get this pictures without me. Well i didn't mind. I had enough of temples the first day.
You need to wake up early to be at the temple in case if you want to see the sunrise. Culu did the same but unlike the most of the tourist he didn't wait the sun outside. Instead he went in Angkor temple like couple of others did and enjoyed it in silence and alone. When he was inside i was examinig the sculpture outside.
Miserable tourist crowd desperately waiting for the sun to shine but the clouds won't let it show its face. But the sky was still beautiful with this little colony of clouds. Being in the middle of a jungle gives us the chance to hear some weirdest birds at the background. While feeling sleepy by waking up that early, we put ourselves in the jungle and listened the birds welcomes the day.
I want to take your attention to the trees at the side of the road guys.
He told me he had a nap on top of this temple about an hour. Waking up again in the jungle and looking down from above should be just perfect i imagine.
We were almost in every hole at the ruins.
I think the best way to see the most of the area is by bike. You can rent tuk-tuks but they can't take you inside the jungle paths like a bicycle. Anyway, we arrive to our last day of the Angkor today. This is also our last day of our visa in Cambodia. Tomorrow morning we will start pedaling through Thailand. We should be paying a five dollar penalty i guess for each day of delay. We hope you enjoyed the temples. We will be uploading the video in a short while. Untill then, bye bye.