Hi there, this is Lemmy here. Today im going to talk about the day we went doing "slackline" in a park called Maçka in Istanbul. There was a lot of dog dudes around a lot of toys, kids, and lovely people.
But i'm more into juggling. I don't know why but these balls and clubs flipping in the air always attracts me.
Çulu is also kinda interested in juggling. So i have no option than liking it, cuz you know dogs usually likes what their leaders likes. I know these guys from a festival we are going every year with çulu. It's happening the last week of september in a place called sundance camp ( http://www.sundancecamp.com/tr ) close to Antalya - Kemer in Turkey. It's a beautiful bay surrounded by the forest including an antique hellenistic city in it. Every year jugglers from all around are gathering there the share a week all together and practise perform and have a great time:
In Istanbul they also get together to practise enjoy a sunny day most of the weekends. They have a workshop in Galatasaray called Kabile in european side.
Another workshop space at the asian side is "Mekan 314"
They are the most tallented jugglers i have ever sniffed.
Anyway after juggling a while çulu went on the rope with his silly looking facial gestures and embarrassed himself and me so i tried to keep my distance as much as i can from çulu.
Then we met Alaz. He is a close friend of çulu whenever they get together they make music or drink and chat. This time wasn't an exception. I want you to take a look of çulu again in that picture.
Then Elif, Cihaz and their beautiful baby Betty Gül came.
Well that's how we spent this sunday in Maçka Park with jugglers from all around. If you want to try it they will be there most of the sundays. Learning how to walk on slackline might bring you more than you expect. Here's some slackline for your pleasure:
have a great day
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